Working principle of X-ray scanning system for container vehicles

The working principle of the X-ray scanning system for container vehicles is to use the radiation generated by the accelerator to penetrate the container and perform three-dimensional imaging.

The working principle of the X-ray scanning system for container vehicles is to use the radiation generated by the accelerator to penetrate the container and perform three-dimensional imaging. This process does not require opening the container, but is carried out without damage. The generated images can be displayed in real-time, and the staff can quickly understand the situation of the goods inside the container.

The system first emits X-rays, which penetrate the thick walls of the container, and then presents images of the items inside the container through high-resolution displays. This process is like taking an X-ray photo of a container.

Through this system, staff can clearly see the details of the arrangement, shape, size, and even identify the type of material inside the container. Once the system detects abnormal or prohibited items, it will immediately issue an alarm.

The application of this system has greatly improved customs clearance efficiency, shortened clearance time, and effectively reduced threats such as smuggling and terrorism, playing an important role in ensuring national security and smooth trade.

The system also has the characteristics of environmental protection and energy conservation. The traditional container inspection method requires a lot of manual unpacking, opening, and other operations, which is not only inefficient, but also generates a large amount of waste and noise pollution. The X-ray scanning system completely avoids these problems and achieves a green and environmentally friendly inspection method. According to statistics, the use of this system has reduced waste generation by 90% and energy consumption by 85%, greatly reducing its impact on the environment.


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